

<< Completed >>

 The Little Book That Builds Wealth – The Knockout Formula for Finding Great Investments (9)
As per my July report.  And, I didn’t want to return the book to the library. I will buy it one day.
 想像比知識重要 愛因斯坦 (7.5)
 物競天擇 達爾文 (7)

<< In Progress >>

 Sentence Correction GMAT Preparation Guide
 The Psychology of the Stock Market
This is an old and concise book on the topic, quite a difficult read.
 Think and Grow Rich
I believe this is a good book, but I somehow never spare the time and efforts to finish it. I will pick it up again if I get into depression one day.
 圖解世界歷史全集第四冊 - 古代東亞帝國


