

<< Completed >>

• 會說話的人就是贏家 (7)
• Focus on Sugar (8)
Quite an informative book on the subject.
• 讀歷史,我可以學會什麼?(9.5)
• 漫畫世界名人傳記 – 鄧肯 (7)
• 漫畫世界名人傳記 – 哥倫布 (7.5)
• 漫畫世界名人傳記 – 伽利略 (8)
• 漫畫世界名人傳記 – 愛迪生 (8)
• 漫畫世界名人傳記 – 拿破崙 (8)
• 漫畫世界名人傳記 – 愛因斯坦 (7.5)
• 圖解世界歷史全集 -  第一冊 - 文明的曙光 (7.5)
• 圖解世界歷史全集 -  第二冊 - 古代近東與希臘世界  (7.5)
從這許多名人傳記及歷史書籍中,我更認同Will Durant的觀點。“人性在歷史的進程中並沒有多大改變。人類的做事方法和工具或有差異,但其動機和目的則維持一致。”

<< In Progress >>

• The Little Book That Builds Wealth – The Knockout Formula for Finding Great Investments
I think the ways of finding and accessing "moats" could be more useful for companies' top management , than for investers. If I will ever become an entrepreneur, I shall always remind myself to dig deep wide moats.
• Secrets of Mental Math: The Mathemagician’s Guide to Lightning Calculation and Amazing Math Tricks
Nice book and techniques, but it always take practice to make perfect.
• GMAT Advance
It takes time... Especially Verbal...
• 別笑!我是韓語學習書
• 每天懂一點 - 成功概率學


愛看書的青年,大可以看看本分以外的書,即課外的書,不要只將課內的書抱住。…… 即使和本業毫不相干的,也要泛覽。誓如學理科的,偏看看文學書,學文科的,偏看看科學書,看看別個在那裡研究的,究竟是怎麼一回事。這樣子,對於別人,別事,可以有更深的了解。

這幾句,讓我買下了《讀歷史,我可以學會什麼?》,繼而讓我對歷史興趣大增,在這個月裡一下子看了許多相關書籍。謝謝魯迅。 :)



記得大概從三四年級起,我的位英文老師都要我們定期交『Reading Report』。雖然中文課同樣要交『讀報告』,但次數沒有英文的那般頻密。Reading Report可分為三部份:書籍資料、容撮要和後感想。除了少數指定讀物外,我們大都可自由選書,但卻必須是Fiction
結果,我的Reading Report寫的幾乎全都是自己虛構出來的書籍。除了出版社並非虛構以外,書名、作者、頁數故事內容都是自己虛構的。我將容撮要的部份寫得簡短,後感想則寫得長,恍惚我從中學習到很多道理、有很多體會。時而批評故事乏味時而感嘆自己有多麼享受那閱讀體驗;總而言之,我把這類型的家課都當成作文,並樂在其中。老師不時給我很高的評分,還偶爾對我的閱後感想作出回應!





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<< Completed >>

•Rich Dad, Poor Dad (9)
A good read. It might be a bit repetitive, but the lessons the author endeavors to teach through lots of examples are absolutely important. Learn the lessons soon and stick to several of the rules for the rest of your life. It is hardly the knowledge you lack that kills you, but most often the attitude you take that does. To truly take control over your innate human psychology takes a long time and lots of failures. So, do start soon.

<< In Progress >>

•Ignore Everyone
Rather than helping with the generation of creative ideas, I think this book is instead telling me the ugly truth of human character…


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•魯迅箴言 (8.5)

<< In Progress >>

•一個證券分析師的醒悟 – 張化橋的股市真話
•The Culture Code
A very interesting book on marketing with quite a new perspective and the idea appears to be workable. It’s a long read and I will certainly get back to this later on.
•101 Things I Learned in Business School
An easy read but does not excite me much…




<< Completed >>

•How an Economy Grows and Why It Crashes (9.5)
Through storytelling aided with lovely illustrations and humor that may appear simple of the surface, it explains complex topics of economic growth and monetary systems.
•The ETF Trend Following Playbook – Profiting from Trends in
Bull or Bear Markets with Exchange Traded Funds (7)
It is basically a beginner’s reference guide to ETFs andtrend following. The trend following technique it teaches I believe is feasible; however I personally hesitate to adopt it fully with my own real money so I’m planning to test it with a virtual portfolio soon and meanwhile trying tointegrate it with the indexing technique learnt from The Elements of Investing.
•每天懂一點 - 好玩心理學 (7.5)

<< In Progress >>

•The Soros Lectures: At the Central European University
A profound philosophic book that after finishing half of it I’ve decided to put it down for the time being. It’s quite a stressful and sober read.
•A Cure for the Common WORD
Well, I probably would just flip it over whenever I feel like to.

這個月也很努力呢~ Keep it up! ^_^


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•Suicide by Sugar (8)
I never learned as much about nutrition at a time other than reading this book. I actually cut all sugar intakes from snacks and even ketchup for two weeks to test whether I’m a sugarholic or not. The result was negative and I didn’t feel much difference so I concluded that I should aim for a moderate consumption other than to completely get rid of it (which life would be bad!)
•The Elements of Investing (8.5)
If I’m not determined to learning this subject through experiencing the highs and lows, I probably will adopt this strategy. However I do find this meaningful, therefore I aim at enhancing the strategy with other techniques so one day it could be at my use.
•一個人漂泊的日子2 (7.5)

<< In Progress >>

•Bill Bryson – Troublesome Words
Quite a decent reference.
•Understanding Nutrition
Just to check on some questions aroused from the read: Suicide by Sugar.
•IB Study Guides: Chemistry for the IB Diploma / IB Study Guides: Physics for the IB Diploma
Simply picked them up to recall some of my memory to the knowledge I once had.
Pretty cute and cheerful design.
Stunning! Master of illustration and creativity! But again, it takes practice.

This has been a very hard-working month. Well done to me.


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•The Cartoon Introduction to Economics – Volume One: MICROECONOMICS (9.5)
This is by far the best book on economics that I’ve read, and I’ll reread it for sure. Ever since I finished this book I’ve been checking from time to time on whether Volume Two would come out but it just doesn’t.
•A Beginner’s Guide to the World Economy (6.5)
The beginning one third of the book was nice, quite insightful. What’s followed, was however mere informative and boring that I felt like giving it up from time to time.

<< In Progress >>

It doesn’t interest me as much as the first book did.
•Economics – A Self-teaching Guide
It really is a textbook and I just finished reading the first chapter. This chapter however, is so well written and informative that I gained much knowledge on the American economy history.
•3ds Max & VRay
A very useful and practical sample book.
•3ds MAX 2010建模實務事典書
It’d be nice if it includes more about the lighting effects creation but it passes as a beginner’s guide.
•3ds MAX 2011自學の王道
This is more of an intermediate guide to the software and it was more helpful than the former.


<< In Progress >>

•A Beginner’s Guide to the World Economy
Was about to give this book up…



<< Completed >>

•Food Rules – An Eater’s Manual (8.5)
A lively and engrossing compendium of invaluable food wisdom
<< In Progress >>

•Liar's Poker
Interesting, yet remains a very difficult read to me, I’m
determined to finish this but I wonder when.



This is it

If whom who were in front of me are eligible, what makes me
not. Never thought this would ever happen. But it just did. Times n
times I asked myself what have I done. But it's no more than a very
very simple thought of wanting to make improvements, and I have
zero regret for it. Ya. This is it.