

<< Completed >>

•Suicide by Sugar (8)
I never learned as much about nutrition at a time other than reading this book. I actually cut all sugar intakes from snacks and even ketchup for two weeks to test whether I’m a sugarholic or not. The result was negative and I didn’t feel much difference so I concluded that I should aim for a moderate consumption other than to completely get rid of it (which life would be bad!)
•The Elements of Investing (8.5)
If I’m not determined to learning this subject through experiencing the highs and lows, I probably will adopt this strategy. However I do find this meaningful, therefore I aim at enhancing the strategy with other techniques so one day it could be at my use.
•一個人漂泊的日子2 (7.5)

<< In Progress >>

•Bill Bryson – Troublesome Words
Quite a decent reference.
•Understanding Nutrition
Just to check on some questions aroused from the read: Suicide by Sugar.
•IB Study Guides: Chemistry for the IB Diploma / IB Study Guides: Physics for the IB Diploma
Simply picked them up to recall some of my memory to the knowledge I once had.
Pretty cute and cheerful design.
Stunning! Master of illustration and creativity! But again, it takes practice.

This has been a very hard-working month. Well done to me.

